Fed up with feeling off and want to know why?

Then hold onto your knickers, because we're about to skyrocket your energy, clear your brain fog, make your sicknesses be a thing of the past and make you feel so fudgin’ healthy you’ll weep with joy.

Fed up with feeling off and want to know why?

Then hold onto your knickers, because we're about to skyrocket your energy, clear your brain fog, make your sicknesses be a thing of the past and make you feel so fudgin’ healthy you’ll weep with joy.

  • Introducing the *insert twinkle fingers*
  • ✨ Blood Test Breakdown 
  • The place where you’ll finally get your juicy answers.

No getting your bloods done, only to be told ‘you’re fine’ when you feel anything but

No being told ‘it’s just low iron’, so you supplement for 3 months only to feel a miniscule bit better

No buying supplements on sale, only to be super confused if you actually need them, if they’re the right ones or how long to even take them for

The Blood Test Breakdown is the place where you’ll finally know what’s going on

  • Why you feel so tired and pooped
  • Why your mind is foggy or chaotic like you’ve got your own mini thought tornado inside your noggin’
  • Why you keep catching every cold, sniffle or achoo flying around
  • Why you feel off but you can’t put your finger on it
  • Why you feel snappy, irritable and just not like your usual self anymore
  • Why your gut is funny and has a tanty randomly when you eat

And what you need to do, eat or take to feel so vibrant, full of energy, clear headed, calm, healthy and happier than ever!

What makes the Blood Test Breakdown so darn magical? ✨

 The short answer: 
I don’t just have a squiz at your results to see if you're fine and within the standard reference ranges, I fully break them down against the optimal reference ranges to see if you're thriving.

Because hidden in their depths are the magical answers as to why you feel the way you feel.
 The long answer: 
Your results are only being checked against the standard reference range used by the pathology lab. (what's written on your test results)

These standard reference ranges are checking that you're fine. You're alive. You're okay. Not that you feel great, or even good.

Standard reference ranges reflect approx 95% of the population. 95% of the population generally feels average or 'fine' when it comes to their health - they're surviving day to day, can keep their head (barely) afloat. But they are not full of amazing energy, health or happiness.

The standard reference ranges are amazing to detect when your levels are so out that you need medication, medical intervention or the wonderful eyes of a medical specialist on your health. 

 What these standard reference ranges crucially miss is checking if your results (aka your health) are just fine or actually thriving

This is why we break your results down. Because we’re not analysing your results against the standard reference range, but against the optimal reference range.

Optimal reference ranges are specific test result ranges derived from scientific research which correlate with health and the body actually thriving.

Where the human, their inner biology (nutrients, enzymes, hormones, blood sugar levels, etc) are actually thriving, and they feel uber energetic, clear headed, calm, healthy and happy.

So, don't settle for feeling 'fine', dive in deeper to make sure you're  optimal and thriving  so you can have...

  • A noggin’ that's so clear that you know exactly what’s coming up and you’re smashing all your to-dos with time to spare
  • The most phenomenal energy where you're able to bounce out of bed in the morning eager as a beaver to move your body, meditate, or simply sip a cuppa while the sun warms your face – all without having to rush or feel behind
  • Overflowing brain space and energy to conquer all your tasks with ease – those work projects, the dishes, the washing, the moving your tooshie, the walking the fluffballs, the cooking, the eating – and still have capacity and desire left over to want to hang with friends, work on your fun craft project or go for a leisurely looonggg stroll by the beach (guilt free!)
  • A bod that's uber resilient and healthy so you can surround yourself with humans that are sniffling and achoo-ing and it won’t escalate past the tiniest tickle in your throat

'Fine' vs 'Optimal':
It's the difference between dreaming about thriving vs actually living it.

How does the Blood Test Breakdown work?

 Oooh, I thought you'd never ask! Here's how: 

Step 1:
Dive deep into your health + test nitty gritty's

You'll fill in a very thorough intake form going through all the nitty gritty’s about your health and you. What symptoms you have, what your health history is like, and how everything feels from the tip of your tallest hair to the bottom of your pinky toe. Because to fully understand what your test results mean (or what tests are missing + crucial to get the answers you seek), I need a thorough health back-story to analyse it against. 

Step 2:
Full + thorough analysis of all your test results

This here is the game changer. Instead of making sure you're 'just fine' by comparing your results to the standard reference range (what your doc + the pathology lab do), I'll dive in deeper and check where your results are against the optimal reference ranges. I'll thoroughly break down your every test result and analyse it against your current symptoms, health and family health history to figure out what's truthfully out of balance and what needs healing.

Step 3:
Personalised advice based on your test results

Together, in your 1:1 consult, I'll thoroughly go through all your test results with you, explain what they all mean, highlight what is showing up as out of balance, and go through exactly what supplements, diet or lifestyle support you need to get all your results back into the optimal thriving range so your health can thrive and you can feel ah-mazing long-term! Plus you'll get a personalised action plan with all your advice emailed to you afterwards!

 No more feeling just fine, it's time to fully shine! 🌞 

What's included?

✨ Blood Test Breakdown ✨

  • Personalised health deep dive – I'll dive deep into your filled in thorough intake form and test results to figure out a full picture of what's going on with your health, what your root causes are and if there any any crucial missing tests you need to get the answers you seek - nothing is overlooked! (value $120)
  • 1x 60 minute Test Breakdown 1:1 consult – together we'll go through my full naturopathic analysis of your test results: where they are compared to the optimal reference range, what they are doing to your health, and how to rebalance/heal them (value $360)
  • Personalised supplement, diet and lifestyle recommendations on how to get your results back into the optimal thriving range and how to keep them there long-term (value $162)
  • BONUS: Recommendations & access to tests - if any crucial tests are missing that will give the exact answer of what's going on, then you'll get a written referral letter to take to your fav doctor outlining the tests needed or access to a pathology lab to get the tests done privately* (value $67)
  • BONUS: A personalised action plan emailed to you afterwards with a breakdown of your test results along with easy-to-follow diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations to get your results + health back on track - no guesswork needed! (value $202)
  • BONUS: Access to prescribed practitioner only therapeutic supplements that are designed to rebalance your specific results quickly and get you feel better ASAP (value $62)
  • BONUS: 2 weeks of email support - got questions after our consult? You'll have 2 weeks of email access to ask me any questions or queries that pop up about your results or the next steps (value $182)

Total value: $1,155

*The cost of the tests will depend on your country. If you’re in Australia, then most tests requested by your doc may be covered under Medicare. Any tests requested privately include an out of pocket expense paid directly to the pathology lab.

One-Off Payment of
3x Fortnightly Payments of
Per fortnight

Know the moment a spot opens up...

The Blood Test Breakdown is at full capacity at the momento. Add your details to the waitlist, and you'll be the first to know when a spot opens up!

"How will knowing my test results change how I feel?"

Oooh golly goshles, let me introduce you to my beautiful client  Courtney 
(Results shared completely with her consent)

When I first saw Courtney, she was:

  • Frequently getting sick and staying sick for weeks at a time
  • Her vision started to go blurry
  • Randomly getting bouts of gut ickiness and diarrhoea
  • Super tired, struggled to get up in the morning, and slumped in the afternoon
  • Her brain was sluggish, forgetting what she was doing and uber brain foggy
  • And she had a daily dull headache that had been her unwanted companion for 4 weeks solid 

Yet when she got her tests done, she was told she’s ‘fine’.

When you squiz at her results, they do appear ‘fine’ according to the standard reference ranges.

But according to optimal reference ranges, some of Courtney's results were out:

  • protein and certain nutrients were too low
  • average blood sugar too high
  • immunity markers were low
  • her gut lining and integrity was 'leaky'

The result? All her symptoms made total sense.

We didn't need super duper fancy tests to get the answers, just her stock standard bloods. And after 4 months of supporting all those things, Courtney's energy sky-rocketed, her brain fog disappeared, she wasn't picking up minor sicknesses anymore, her headaches had gone, her vision was nearly fully back and she could eat trigger foods again with zero gut issues (including gluten and dairy).

 I mean, just check out her symptom check-in scores from when we started in June vs October! 

  • So, if you're fed up of

Catching everything, feeling tired & exhausted, sluggish, run down, and you feel off but not sure what’s going on, so you get bloods done only to feel like you get no answers…

Taking random supplements like vitamin C, magnesium, iron, zinc, probiotics, etc, and you still don’t feel amazing…

Getting your results only to be told confusing gibbly goop that leaves you overwhelmed and clueless as to what you're supposed to do next...

  •  Then this is for you, my friend! 
  • Let's get you the answers that are specific to your health and exactly what you need so you can be well on your way to having ah-mazing energy, clarity and calmness in your noggin', a protective immune system and feel so fudgin' healthy!

How do I know all this magic?

Well, because I used to be you being told my test results were fine when I felt anything but. I've helped myself and hundreds of amazing humans decifer the magic inside their test results so they can become healthier and happier than they've ever been before.

Hola, I'm Sarah! 👋


While I’m definitely not a cooking aficionado, I am *chefs kiss* when it comes to breaking down test results.

Mainly because after I finished my degree in naturopathy, I grew super frustrated and confused seeing clients sitting comfy in the standard test reference ranges yet still not feeling all that amazing (or even good!).

After seeing it time and time again, I dove headfirst into extra study and fell into the rabbit hole of interpreting pathology and tests based on optimal health. Not just ‘feeling okay’ health. And oh boy, the magic I found.

My skillz when it comes to pathology skyrocketed and I can now dissect results with a fine-tooth comb to uncover the magic answers as to why you feel the way you do and what you can easily do to feel healthy and happy again.

Do you want to know exactly where your health is at?

Your test results are like an instant window into your bod. Your symptoms will tell us A LOT, but your test results will give you super clear answers.
They’ll tell us how things are functioning, what levels are too low or too high, what needs some TLC and what fires need to be put out.

They'll tell us if...

And the list goes on!

Tests you can get analysed 🔎

The basic blood tests you've had done will tell us a TONNE of information about what's going on and what you need to do to feel AHmazing. The basic bloods are all clients often need.

But if you're wanting a deeper dive into where your hormones are at and why, what's going on in your gut or to fully understand your epigenetics and DNA, then these tests are for you...

"She has changed my life for the better"

Sarah is incredible and could not have come into my life at a better time! She has changed my life for the better and has allowed me to continue smashing life goals while being aware of my health of what my body needs!!!! I recommend her to everyone and anyone.


"I have so much more energy and I feel amazing."

Sarah has changed my life. I was constantly run down and getting sick...now I have so much more energy and I feel amazing. She provided me with unique, evidence based treatment and on top of that she is so thorough, passionate and caring. Thank you for all of your support and help to get me back on track! I highly recommend seeing her for any ailment!!!!


"So much more positive and happier in life."

I felt so overwhelmed, mentally and physically drained. I had so many symptoms that I didn't realise were due to stress. Now I feel energised and motivated! I'm much more patient, no more snapping at people for silly things. So much more positive and happier in life. My physical symptoms have also gone away, thank goodness! I'm feeling motivated to look after myself better and live a life the way I want to. I've learnt to be more aware of how I'm feeling and be able to better handle situations because of it which has helped reduce my overwhelm. I've learnt strategies to keep myself calm that suit me which has helped me reduce my stress levels. Due to all of this plus some other things I learnt my symptoms have gone.


Questions that might be plaguing your noggin'

This offer is specifically for YOU! It's the easiest way to get quick answers that are specific to your health and will make a world of difference. All the personalised recommendations I give you can be implemented at whatever pace suits you. You'll have the info available to you whenever you want it in your personalised action plan, so you can do the tweaks when you've got the capacity for it. Some tweaks like supplements are simple pimple and you can start immediately, while more time consuming tweaks like diet or lifestyle ones you can do at a later time when you're feeling much better (thanks to the supps boosting you up!).

Everyone’s healing journey is different and the length of time to heal and what's needed to help you heal will depend on what’s currently going on in your life and shows up in your results.  AKA. The level of stress you're exposed to, how deficient your nutrients are, how out your hormones are and how much time you can give and the tweaks you're able to do to get them all back into optimal levels.

As a rough guide, you may notice improvements:
-Within a few weeks: if you have a leaky gut, a depleted immune system or basic nutrient deficiencies (aka. your gut, how often/easily you're getting sick and your energy will improve)
-Within 1-2 months: if you have certain nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances (such as cortisol), irregular blood sugar levels (aka. your energy, mood, brain fog, how often you're getting sick will improve)
-Within 3-6 months: for certain hormone imbalances, irregular blood sugar levels, gut bacteria or microbiome imbalances (aka. your energy, your gut and hormonal symptoms will improve)

These ball-parks depend on what your results show up with and what tweaks you're able to do in your life (aka. supplement, diet or lifestyle tweaks).

All the inclusions are listed in the 'What's included'. You can see this list if you scroll to the very bottom of the page. But for a rough summary:
-1x 60 minute 1:1 consult with me
-Full naturopath analysis and breakdown of your test results - what's in optimal vs non-optimal range, how to nourish them to get them all into optimal
-A personalised action plan with all your recommendations and tweaks emailed to you afterwards
-2 weeks of email support after your consult for any questions that plague your noggin'

This could involve any 4 of these areas:
-Supplements and herbs
-Diet tweaks
-Lifestyle tweaks
-Mindset + clarity support

The supplements and herbs are used as a nourishing jumpstart, to speed healing up, get your body feeling balanced quicker, as a crutch to get you feeling better ASAP + to give you more capacity. This then makes the diet, lifestyle and mindset tweaks easier + simpler to do. You can 100% do it without the supplements & herbs – it will take a bit longer.

There is no right or wrong way: it’s your healing journey so you get to choose which is best for you!

Our aim is to make small and easy (aka require minimal energy or effort) diet, lifestyle and mindset tweaks that eventually become part of your subconscious routine and are super nourishing and fit your life. My aim is to get you feeling better, but to make it so easy that it hardly feels like you've had to do anything at all.

You'll have all the tweaks listed out in your personalised action plan so you can choose which ones suit your life the best and are easiest for you to do to start feeling better ASAP.

The cost of the tests will vary depending upon the country you live in. Majority of the time the only tests I recommend are ones included in basic blood tests. In Australia, a lot of these are covered under Medicare when you go to see your doctor and they are on board getting them explored.
Otherwise you can get them tested privately through various pathology labs (I often use iMedical so we can create your own personalised blood test referral that relates to your symptoms and what you need. You can also use iScreen which include packages that test a whole range of blood tests).

The prices can vary but I'll list a rough price guide of the common ones I recommend from iMedical below:
-Vitamin D: $33
-Vitamin B12 (serum and active): $76
-Iron studies: $39
-Cortisol: $29
-Thyroid panel: $42
-Thyroid antibodies: $59
-Urea & Electrolytes (alkalinity and protein): $20
-Fasting insulin + HbA1c (blood sugar):  $49

If you're wanting functional tests done to really get the answer then this is a rough guide:
-Full gut microbiome - Genova GI360 (bacteria, yeast (candida), parasites) + gut function test: $535
-DUTCH Complete (hormone test: cortisol, cortisone, melatonin, oestrogen, progesterone, androgens/testosterone, some neurotransmitters (dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline)): $200
- Smart DNA full DNA analysis (and secure - no data sharing): $440

For supplements or herbs recommended, I'll always recommend by priority so you can choose at what pace and if you want to supplement with them. Everyone's needs will be different depending upon what comes up as deficient, but for a rough ballpark:
-1 supp/herb for the month: approx $20-70 per month

Yes, if your test results show the need for supplements then I'll highlight that for you and outline which supplements to get. There are online dispensary companies that I'll give you access to and prescribe the supplements I recommend on there (including practitioner and clinic only supplements that require a script from a naturopath). You can then order directly from them and they deliver right to your door. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Some supps you'll be able to get from a pharmacy or health store too

The 1:1 consult happens online via Zoom. Once you've signed up, you'll get access to the booking link to book your consult at whatever day and time suits you in my calendar (Tues to Thurs 9am through to 7:30pm). The consult will be booked in 2+ weeks from when you sign up to allow enough time for you to fill in the intake form and send any tests you've had done for me to thoroughly analyse and breakdown your results to go through with you at your consult.

Perfect - grab a copy of them and email them to me prior to your consult! If any crucial tests are missing, I will email you and let you know so you can decide whether you want to get them done before your 1:1 consult so they're included in the interpretation, or go ahead without them and I'll analyse the blood tests you've already had done.

I'll often request your past test results too (up to 10 years old), as seeing your result history and the patterns going on in your results will give us even more answers about what's going on inside your bod.

Any blood test results (eg. iron studies, full blood count, liver function test, nutrients levels, urea & electrolytes, homocysteine, urine culture, parasite stool test, viral panels, etc, etc, etc)
Gut microbiome reports
Food intolerance or sensitivity reports
DNA reports Hormone tests (eg. saliva cortisol, blood hormones, DUTCH hormone report)
If you've got a test report done but you're not sure, ask me at sarah@sarahchelle.com and I'll let you know if I can analyse it for you!

During the 1:1 consult I'll check any health conditions, medication you're currently taking or supplements and be able to give you herbs and supplement recommendations that compliment your medication or don't interact at all. Lots of herbs and supplements make lots of meds - including antidepressant, antianxiety and thyroid medication - work even better, so being on medication is no problemmo at all.

First we'll go through all your test results - I'll show you what results are really great and which ones are out of the optimal reference range and need some healing and attention. I'll explain what each result means and what it means when it comes to your health and symptoms. Then we'll dive into what I recommend doing to heal your results back up - the diet, lifestyle and supplement options. After your consult, you'll then get emailed a personalised Action Plan covering all the things we spoke about so you'll have your own plan of action to follow on how to get your results back into the beautiful optimal range.

Still have a question plaguing your noggin'? Ask away!

What's included?

✨ Blood Test Breakdown ✨

  • Personalised health deep dive – I'll dive deep into your filled in thorough intake form and test results to figure out a full picture of what's going on with your health, what your root causes are and if there any any crucial missing tests you need to get the answers you seek - nothing is overlooked! (value $120)
  • 1x 60 minute Test Breakdown 1:1 consult – together we'll go through my full naturopathic analysis of your test results: where they are compared to the optimal reference range, what they are doing to your health, and how to rebalance/heal them (value $360)
  • Personalised supplement, diet and lifestyle recommendations on how to get your results back into the optimal thriving range and how to keep them there long-term (value $162)
  • BONUS: Recommendations & access to tests - if any crucial tests are missing that will give the exact answer of what's going on, then you'll get a written referral letter to take to your fav doctor outlining the tests needed or access to a pathology lab to get the tests done privately* (value $67)
  • BONUS: A personalised action plan emailed to you afterwards with a breakdown of your test results along with easy-to-follow diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations to get your results + health back on track - no guesswork needed! (value $202)
  • BONUS: Access to prescribed practitioner only therapeutic supplements that are designed to rebalance your specific results quickly and get you feel better ASAP (value $62)
  • BONUS: 2 weeks of email support - got questions after our consult? You'll have 2 weeks of email access to ask me any questions or queries that pop up about your results or the next steps (value $182)

Total value: $1,155

*The cost of the tests will depend on your country. If you’re in Australia, then most tests requested by your doc may be covered under Medicare. Any tests requested privately include an out of pocket expense paid directly to the pathology lab.

One-Off Payment of
3x Fortnightly Payments of
Per fortnight
8x Weekly Payments of
Per week
One-Off Payment of
3x Fortnightly Payments of
Per fortnight